Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Easter came and went but no eggs!!

Ok I am a 26 year old adult male. I really shoudn't expect Easter eggs but I'm a big kid really. I was disappointed this year to have no Easter eggs however I do still have some of my Christmas sweets left over! I am told my Mum did buy me some Mini Eggs but now can't remember where she put them (I'm taking that as she feels sorry for me so will buy me some the next time she's out!!)

With the start of April comes the start of the Peregrine breeding season and I have started volunteering at Falls of Clyde again. At Easter the birds are normally on eggs but they too have no Easter eggs!  Normally the falcon lays her first egg around the 22nd to the 24th March but as of yesterday (1st April) she still hasn't laid. There has been a lot of displaying, courtship and copulation but still no eggs. This is the latest we have ever been without an egg. On 2 occasions the first egg was laid as late as March 31st. We are all a bit apprehensive but have been told by our ringer not to worry too much. All of the nests he rings are about a week to 10 days behind because of the cold weather so hopefully the next time I'm down we will have at least 1 egg.

If you are ever in the area please pop along to the Peregrine watch site. The site offers the closest views of Peregrines in the UK and this years nest is great for viewing. The watch site is open from 10am to 8pm daily and I will be there most Mondays.

Not much else to report today other than I will be at both the Dalziel Park and Popinjay Wedding Fayres on Sunday. Dalziel Park runs from 12 until 4 and the Popinjay from 11 until 4. I may not have any Easter eggs but I will have some jelly beans if anyone wants to come and have a chat!! If you need any further info please get in touch.



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