Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Mull - Day 2

Well today was a good day for bird sightings but unfortunately no Otters and unfortunately most of the exciting birds were too far away for decent photos.

A Curlew in one of the rain showers just before lunch

Apart from the usual Oystercatchers, Herons and Curlews I saw 3 adult White Tailed Eagles and at least 3,maybe 4 Hen Harriers including one that was hunting for its lunch as I ate mine! It was interesting watching it hunt having never seen it before. In some ways it reminded me of a Kestrel but much less patient and at a very low height. It would fly to a spot, have a quick look then move on to another spot. It didn't seem to take a lot of time to determine there was no prey item there. It was very low, only about 10 feet off the ground. This was probably todays highlight.

Scanning for prey

Undercarriage down ready to dive on lunch - she missed!

On my way between sea lochs I spotted this pair of White Tailed Eagles flying together. Although they were a long way up it was great just watching them effortlessly glide in the thermals over the mountains.  Despite the distance the size difference was clear with the female being bigger than the male.  This is quite common in large raptors.  I reckon they were bonding as a pair as it will soon be time to settle down to nest.

The pair of Eagles - note the size difference between the male (L) and female (R)

With no Otters to photograph I turned my attention to some of the shoreline birds. This Oystercatcher was just back from the shore digging for food. Fun fact about Oystercatchers – the birds diet determines the size and shape of its beak. If the bird lives inland and predominantly digs for food like worms then the beak is pointed but if it predominantly eats molluscs at the shore then its bill is blunter so that it can use force to open the shells. The beak can change shape seasonallyor if the bird changes its diet.

The closest I got to anything today - this Oystercatcher gave me many poses before I had to move

The weather today was a bit friendlier for wildlife spotting and photography with bright overcast conditions. Didn't help me find any Otters though unfortunately, maybe tomorrow.

Not much else to report today. Hopefully more tomorrow!

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